11 Considerations Before Selecting a Contractor


  • Get Multiple Estimates: Try and get written estimates from at least three contractors and make sure you’re comparing apples to apples. 
  • Hire Licensed Contractors: A contractor is required to have their license number readily accessible (see ours in the footer below.) Use it to see what the Contractors State License Board (www.cslb.ca.gov) has to say about them.
  • Check Their Past Work: Ask for references and project photos from any previous comparable completed projects.
  • Take Your Time: Don’t be pressured into making an immediate decision, particularly with regard to signing a contract. Take time to read the fine print.
  • Verify Insurance and Bonding: Make sure the contractor is properly insured and bonded. Do not do business with a contractor who does not carry the appropriate insurance coverage.
  • Get Everything in Writing: Make sure the contract is clear and includes a scope of the work to be done, a schedule of payments, estimated start and completion dates, and signatures from all parties.
  • Understand Your Right to Cancel: Federal law allows for a “cooling off” period, in which you can cancel the contract without penalty.
  • Don’t Pay Up-Front: For California customers, a contractor can only take a deposit of $1,000 or 10% of the project cost, whichever is smaller. Also, make checks payable to a company, not an individual, and do not pay in cash.
  • Anticipate Delays: Delays happen, and may not be the fault of your contractor. In spite of the timeline outlined in your contract, circumstances such as weather may prevent the work from remaining on schedule. Be realistic and prepare to adjust your plans accordingly.
  • Keep a Job File: Keep your contract and all the supporting documents including any change orders, plans and specifications, bills and invoices, canceled checks, certificates of insurance and any letters, notes, or correspondence with the contractor in your file.
  • Be cautious of estimates that are too low: Some contractors bid a project low to win a contract by leaving important details out that they will bring up as billable Change Orders once the job has started.

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